Platform for Optimizing Working Capital

Case study

Platform for Optimizing Working Capital

We support a fast growing FinTech company in further developing its independent marketplace for asset-based corporate financing solutions

About our client

Our client is a Germany’s leading working capital optimization solutions provider. They offer working capital management solutions to optimize cashflow of corporates by auctioning trade receivables and payables to banks and non-bank investors. Their platform provides opportunity for business to get invoice financing. Our client is recognized as one of the most innovative German FinTech companies in a field of working capital analysis. Providing new financing opportunities to the B2B market, our client partners with large international corporations.

Key features

Auction receivables and payables 

Auction receivables and payables 

Optimize cash-to-cash cycles

Optimize cash-to-cash cycles

Short-term investments

Short-term investments

Industry: FinTech, Lending

Market: Worldwide

Team size: 7 members

Cooperation:4 years


Apache Camel / CDI / Dozer / EJB / Hibernate / Java / Java EE / JAXB / JBoss Fuse / JMS / JSF / MDB / Microservices / OSGi / QueryDSL / REST / SOAP / Spring / SSO

The challenge

A quickly growing FinTech company was looking for a nearshore development partner to further evolve its working capital finance platform. The goal was to scale the engineering team in order to maintain its pace and realize an ambitious product and technology roadmap. Proven expertise in delivering enterprise-grade Java solutions, including marketplace lending software, and extensive FinTech domain knowledge made BitsByteSoft a suitable partner.

BitsByteSoft contributes to a thriving platform for optimizing working capital

BitsByteSoft formed a project team composed of senior- and mid-level full-stack developers, a front-end developer, and a DevOps engineer to help in delivering a platform for optimizing working capital.

Today, the BitsByteSoft team supports the client’s core team in developing and maintaining the backend, the database, and the front-end of the working capital optimization solution. Our DevOps engineer is responsible for the development infrastructure configuration and automation. The frontend engineer at BitsByteSoft is part of the project team and delivers styled UI components. BitsByteSoft ’ full-stack engineers perform a variety of tasks, including technical analysis, code reviews, customer integration, data provider integration (SFTP, SWIFT network, e-mail servers) and CI improvements.

We are achieving great results together

From the very start of our cooperation, BitsByteSoft has been a strategic partner for this project primarily contributing our Java stack expertise. In the future, the client is planning to expand the BitsByteSoft involvement by delegating entire sub-projects to a growing team.

We have supported the client

  • Deliver the most flexible working capital management solution on the market that’s adaptable to specific client needs
  • Quickly react to business ideas and client requests by delivering new features in time and according to the highest quality standards of our client and the financial industry

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